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在 Metabetting.CO.UK 负责任地赌博

  • Responsible Gambling Ethos
    Our mission is to ensure that 'all our customers' are in control of their gambling. All our staff have passed the latest Betting and Gaming Council training courses and have been trained to spot the danger signs of people who may have problems with gambling. We close at 21.30 which means that there is no Gambling through the night on Apps, Poker, Casinos and Slot Machines. Our aim to look after you, our loyal customers, and to ensure that you are gambling safely and only spending what you can afford to Our aim is this - Keep it simple, Keep it fun and ensure that you Keep in Control Our aim is to provide you with the self-help tools and support that you need to help you to gamble safely and responsibly Regency Betting Group takes its safer gambling responsibilities seriously. We wish to ensure that you are gambling safely and are depositing and staking at amounts that are affordable and in line with your personal financial circumstances. We monitor all of our customer deposits and win/loss levels as a matter of company policy. We will contact you if we believe your deposits and/or win/loss levels have reached a threshold at which we feel it is appropriate to reach out to you personally to make you aware of your spend and win/loss position with us. If you need to discuss your spend and win/loss position with us please contact Regency Betting’s Support Team at or by phone at 0800 678 1888 at your earliest convenience.
  • 访问客户历史记录
    我们可以根据您的要求随时为您提供所有交易、取款和存款的历史记录。只需致电我们的团队成员 0800 678 1888 即可索取一份报表,该报表可以是永久的,也可以是您需要的任何期限的报表。您也可以将这些请求通过电子邮件发送至: s Regency Betting Group – 设置存款和支出限额 强烈建议您对在我们这里的花费设置限制。您可以在Responsible Betting :: Regency Racing找到更多信息。或者,请通过s 或致电 0800 678 1888 联系我们团队的成员。
  • 付款和存款限额
    我们只接受借记卡作为付款方式,每位客户只允许注册一张卡。我们严格遵守赌博委员会规定的反洗钱规定。在某些情况下,我们可以接受银行转账,请联系我们了解更多信息。 对于那些希望限制赌博的客户,Meta Betting 提供了存款限制功能,使客户能够限制他们在固定时间内想要花费的金额。 我们的许多客户都使用存款限额来管理支出。限额可设置为 24 小时、7 天或 30 天,且不可更改。 您可以随时降低存款限额,这将立即应用。 在提高存款限额之前,请仔细考虑您是否有能力这样做。永远不要因为你输了钱而决定增加你的限额,并认为你可以通过更多的赌博来赢回来。如果您希望增加限额,您需要等待 24 小时,然后我们才会处理您的请求,然后致电 0800 678 1888 与我们联系,以确认您仍然希望增加限额。 请记住以下几点; 工作人员无法超越您设定的存款限额 24 小时存款增加请求需要 24 小时才能生效 每周存款限额提高请求需要 7 天才能生效 每月存款增加请求需要 1 个日历月才能生效 所有存款限额降低请求立即生效 请注意,当最初设置存款限额请求时,它们将在您首次设置限额的确切时间继续重置(请参阅下面的示例) 如果您在 2013 年 11 月 4 日上午 11 点 55 分将 24 小时存款限额设置为 20 英镑,并在 2022 年 11 月 4 日下午 1 点存款 20 英镑,那么您在 2022 年 12 月 4 日上午 11 点 55 分之前无法再次存款。我们的系统在 24 小时内运行,并在您提出初始存款限额请求时重置,而不是在您存款时重置。
  • 存款和损失限额
    介绍 Regency Betting Group 非常重视更安全的赌博,我们将继续为了所有客户的利益而做出改变。为了您的利益和保护,我们可以对客户账户应用损失限额。开设账户时,您将被告知适用于您的情况的限额。该损失限额每月运行一次,并于每月 1 日自动重置。如果您希望降低损失限额,请立即联系我们。如果您希望提高限额,我们需要与您进行更详细的讨论,这可能需要我们验证您的财富来源(例如职业),并在必要时验证您存入的资金来源和在我们考虑是否允许更高的损失限额之前,用于下注。再次,我们想明确表示,您的账户不会因为达到损失限额而被关闭。一旦达到损失限额,您将无法再下注,直到损失限额自动重置。减少/增加限额的请求必须亲自通过电话提出,或通过电子邮件与管理层事先安排/协议。 设置存款限额 我们可以轻松设置存款限额。您可以拨打 0800 678 1888 联系我们的电话投注支持团队来设置存款限额。您可以设置每日、每周、每月或每年的存款限额,这将限制您在期限内可以存入我们的金额。 )表明您同意我们的观点。 如果您想降低存款限额,可以立即进行这些更改,无需任何冷静期。如果您要求提高存款限额,则必须等到 7 天的冷静期过后才能实施任何提高。 7 天的冷静期从提出请求之日起计算。我们将考虑任何提高您存款限额的请求,并且我们可能会要求您提供进一步的信息和/或支持文件,以便我们确信所请求的限额是合理且负担得起的。 什么是损失限额? 损失限额允许您限制每月可能损失的金额。该限额可以设置为一个日历月的期限。您可以拨打 0800 678 1888 联系我们的电话投注支持团队,请求减少或增加损失限额。 损失限额是净限额,这意味着在给定限额期间赢得的任何资金都将添加到该期间的净限额金额中。无论何时下注,损失都将从结算期间的剩余限额中扣除。 例子 我们设定的损失限额是您在设定的时间段(每月)内可以损失的最大金额。一旦达到此损失限额,您将无法再下注,直到该限额在月底重置为止。任何投注都将被视为损失并计入所设定的限额。如果下注返回利润,则损失限额将增加到原始限额加上下注利润,例如,如果损失限额设置为 20 英镑,而您下注 20 英镑,返回 100 英镑,您的损失限额将从原来的 20 英镑加上 80 英镑利润增加到新的 100 英镑限额。这意味着您现在可能损失 100 英镑,但总体而言,客户损失的金额仍然是原来的 20 英镑。 总曝光量 设置亏损限额将防止您的账户总风险超过此金额加上该期间累积的任何奖金。这意味着,如果您设置每月 100 英镑的限额,然后下注 100 英镑,您将无法在该赌注结算之前进行进一步的下注。这意味着,如果您对未来发生的事件(例如从现在起 7 天后)下注 100 英镑,您将无法在该赌注结算之前进行任何增加风险的赌注。 重置次数 损失限额将在每个新日历月的第一天重置。
  • 负担能力计算器
    Regency Betting Group 设计了一个负担能力计算器,您可以在负担能力计算器 (找到它。此计算器旨在让您了解您目前在赌博上的总支出与净月收入和每月固定支出之间的关系。它旨在帮助您评估您能够以安全和可承受的水平进行赌博的金额。您输入此计算器的信息不会被保存、监控或存储以供 Regency Betting 或任何第三方日后使用。
  • 更安全的赌博工具包
    Gamcare设计了一个自我评估测试,可在自我评估工具 - GamCare中找到。此自我评估测试旨在帮助您确定您是否表现出任何表明您可能遭受赌博相关伤害的行为。如果您有任何疑虑,我们鼓励您使用此自我评估工具。
  • 拦截软件
    如果您想考虑阻止、限制或控制对赌博网站的访问或对您的银行帐户设置限制,您可以在阻止软件 - GamCare中找到所需的所有相关信息
  • 自我排除计划
    从 2024 年 4 月 1 日起,Regency Betting Group 和其他电话投注运营商必须成为 GAMSTOP(针对在线运营商的国家在线自我排除计划)的成员。如果您想在我们这里开设账户,我们将在开设账户之前检查 GAMSTOP 寄存器,看看您是否已注册。请注意,如果您已经在 GAMSTOP 注册,我们将无法在您注册期间为您开设账户。 如果您希望自我排除在英国的所有在线许可赌博运营商之外,您可以在GAMSTOP - 国家在线自我排除计划进行注册。 如果您不想注册GAMSTOP - 全国在线自我排除计划 但确实希望自我排除或限制您在我们这里的帐户,或者如果您需要进一步的帮助或指导,请通过以下方式联系我们:或致电 0333 3441 560 与其中一位接线员联系。我们可以向您保证,您与我们讨论的任何内容都会保密。
  • 仅限18岁以上
    在英国,未满 18 岁的人赌博是违法的。 Regency Betting Group 保留要求任何客户提供年龄证明并进行检查以验证所提供信息的权利。在提供令人满意的年龄证明之前,客户帐户可能会被暂停并扣留资金。法定赌博年龄因国家/地区而异,我们建议您进行当地研究。为了避免非法投注,我们可能会与第三方进行搜查,以验证您是否已年满 18 岁或以上。然而,Meta Betting(Regency Betting Group)要求您对您的帐号、用户名和密码保密,以防止潜在的滥用。
  • 给家长或监护人的建议 - 使用我们的网站或其他赌博运营商提供的网站
    如果您是 18 岁以下儿童或青少年的父母或监护人,我们强烈建议您采取措施,限制您用于访问的任何设备访问我们的网站或其他赌博提供商提供的任何其他网站这些服务。您可以通过设置限制来限制对移动电话、交互式电视、游戏电台、PC 或平板电脑等设备的访问。有关如何执行此操作的更多建议,请访问www.internetmatters.org或
  • 损失限额
    Regency Betting Group 非常重视负责任的赌博,我们将继续为了所有客户的利益而做出改变。自 2023 年 1 月 23 日起,当新客户开设投注账户时,我们将自动在其账户上施加 3000 英镑的每月净损失。该损失限额每月运行一次,并在每月同一天自动重置。如果您希望降低损失限额,请立即联系我们。如果您希望提高限额,我们需要与您进行更详细的讨论,这可能需要我们验证您的财富来源(例如职业),并在必要时验证您存入的资金来源和在我们考虑是否允许更高的损失限额之前,用于下注。 再次,我们想明确表示,您的账户在任何时候都不会因为达到损失限额而被关闭。一旦达到损失限额,您将无法再下注,直到损失限额自动重置。 我们打算实施的损失限额是您在一段时间内可以损失的最大金额。一旦达到此损失限额,您将无法再下注,直到限额重置。任何投注均被视为损失并计入所设定的限额。如果下注返回利润,则损失限额将增加到原始限额加上下注利润,例如,如果损失限额设置为 20 英镑,而您下注 20 英镑,返回 100 英镑,您的损失限额将从原来的 20 英镑加上 80 英镑利润增加到新的 100 英镑限额。这意味着您现在可能损失 100 英镑,但总体而言,客户损失的金额仍然是原来的 20 英镑。 这使我们能够继续接受您的投注,而不必提出非常个人的问题,其中可能包括要求支持信息,例如银行对账单/工资单(如果我们认为有必要这样做)。我们理解,要求提供个人财务信息可能会让您感到不舒服,但我们必须强调,只有在我们认为有必要在进行初步负担能力评估后,我们才会要求提供此信息。
    GAMSTOP TERMS OF USE Please ensure that you read Gamstop’s terms of use (the Terms) carefully before using their website or the GAMSTOP service, as they contain important information regarding your use of our website, the GAMSTOP service, and the relationship between you and them. Who Are Gamstop? Gamstop is the National Online Self Exclusion Scheme Limited (you may also see or hear of them being referred to as NOSES or GAMSTOP). What is GAMSTOP? GAMSTOP is a free self-exclusion service set up to help you avoid online gambling, if you wish to do so. All businesses that are licensed to offer online gambling services to individuals in Great Britain must have and put into effect procedures for self-exclusion, taking all reasonable steps to refuse service or to otherwise prevent an individual who has entered a self-exclusion agreement from participating in gambling. Since 31 March 2020 all businesses licensed to provide online gambling services to individuals in Great Britain must be part of the GAMSTOP scheme as part of the licence granted to them by the Gambling Commission. By signing up for self-exclusion using GAMSTOP, GAMSTOP will help prevent you from accessing all gambling websites and apps run by businesses licensed to provide gambling services in Great Britain, including any new ones that may open in future. You can access the details of operators licensed by the Gambling Commission on the Public Register. Clarkson Bell Ltd T/A as Regency Racing is a member of Gamstop. It is important for you to understand that GAMSTOP can only exclude you from engaging in gambling activities offered by operators who are part of the GAMSTOP scheme. They are unable to prevent you from accessing gambling activities that are operated by organisations which are not participating in the scheme. A full list of gambling companies participating in the GAMSTOP scheme is available here. Registering for Self-Exclusion Although you can access certain parts of their website without having to register, in order to be able to use GAMSTOP to self-exclude, you will need to register for self-exclusion. To register, you will need to complete a simple registration process, as part of which you will have to provide us with the following information: your full name and title; your date of birth; any mobile numbers you use to register with gambling operators; your primary email address, together with any other email addresses you use to register with gambling operators; and your home address (including post code), together with any other addresses which you use to register with gambling operators. When you register for self-exclusion, you will also need to decide the minimum time period you wish your self-exclusion to last for (your Minimum Exclusion Period). The options we offer are: 6 months; 1 year; or 5 years. You will be given the chance to review the information you have provided before you enter the verification process. Once you have provided them with the information listed above, they will need to undergo a verification process using third party verification service providers. ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR REGISTRATION, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DEACTIVATE YOUR SELF-EXCLUSION UNTIL THE END OF YOUR MINIMUM EXCLUSION PERIOD. Once you have completed the steps above, they will activate your self-exclusion. Although Gamstop takes care to activate self-exclusions as soon as possible, and generally do so within 24 hours, they cannot guarantee that your self-exclusion will take effect within this timeframe. The speed at which your self-exclusion takes effect on gambling operators' websites and apps will also be dependent on the effective operation of the gambling operators' systems, for which they are not responsible. Your Self-Exclusion During your self-exclusion, you will be prevented from accessing any accounts with online gambling operators registered with the Gambling Commission that match the details you have provided to them as part of your application. It is in your interest to provide them with accurate details consistent with those which you have used to set up accounts with online gambling operators. GAMSTOP may not be able to spot inaccuracies or other differences in account details, and they may not be able to prevent you accessing accounts you have created using, for example, email addresses that you have not provided to them as part of the registration process. GAMSTOP will operate on the basis of the information you have provided at registration and we will not be responsible for failure to spot errors made on your part. If you have any ‘withdrawable funds’ remaining with gambling operators once your self-exclusion has been activated, they are required to return these funds to you. If you require any further information, please contact us on 0800 678 1888. ‘Withdrawable funds’ means any funds that are held in your account that have not been used to gamble and do not include historical losses prior to your registration with Gamstop. Although Gamstop takes care to activate self-exclusions as soon as possible, and generally do so within 24 hours, they cannot guarantee that your self-exclusion will take effect within this timeframe. We check new registrations to see if you have registered with Gamstop prior to opening an account and accepting a deposit. We will not allow an account to be opened, nor accept a deposit if our check shows that you are registered with Gamstop. For existing customers, we run a check at least every 24 hours to see if you have registered with Gamstop. However, please be aware that Gamstop cannot guarantee that your self-exclusion will take effect within a 24 hour timeframe of your registration. If you are an existing customer and have registered with Gamstop, you are responsible for informing us prior to depositing further funds or staking or placing bets that you have registered with Gamstop. When we have verified that you are registered with Gamstop, if you have any ‘withdrawable funds’ with us, we will return these to you. Please be aware that we will not return any funds that have been staked and lost after you have registered with Gamstop. GAMSTOP is a tool to help you avoid online gambling. They cannot guarantee that GAMSTOP will always result in you being denied access to a specific gambling operator or gambling activity. The End of Your Self-Exclusion Your self-exclusion will not automatically expire at the end of your Minimum Exclusion Period, nor will they contact you to let you know that your Minimum Exclusion Period has expired. At any time after your Minimum Exclusion Period has expired, you may via your Online Account or the GAMSTOP Contact Centre extend your self-exclusion for a further Minimum Exclusion Period of 6 months, 1 year or 5 years. At any time after your Minimum Exclusion Period has expired, you may also choose to deactivate your self-exclusion. If you choose to deactivate your self-exclusion you must contact the GAMSTOP Contact Centre by phone. Your choice to deactivate will be subject to a minimum 24-hour cooling-off period, in which your self-exclusion will remain active. As with self-exclusion activations, although they take care to deactivate self-exclusions as soon as possible, and self-exclusions generally automatically deactivate straight after the 24 hour cooling-off period, we cannot guarantee that your self-exclusion will be deactivated within this timeframe. The speed at which your self-exclusion is deactivated on gambling operators' websites and apps will also be dependent on the effective operation of the operators' systems, for which we are not responsible. If you do not contact the GAMSTOP Contact Centre once your Minimum Exclusion Period has expired, your self-exclusion will continue for a further 7 years after the date on which your Minimum Exclusion Period expired. After this date your self-exclusion will be deactivated. For a period of 7 years following the deactivation of your self-exclusion, (either by you contacting the GAMSTOP Contact Centre or automatic deactivation 7 years after the end of your Minimum Exclusion Period), they will inform gambling operators licensed in Great Britain that you have previously held an active self-exclusion with GAMSTOP. the 7 seven years after the deactivation of your Minimum Exclusion Period during which we inform gambling operators that you previously held an active self-exclusion; and for a further 7 year archive period (immediately following the end of the 7 year period during which we inform gambling operators that you previously held an active self-exclusion). Your Responsibility for Your Account It is your responsibility to keep the information on your registration up-to-date. Failure to do so may result in your self-exclusion being less effective. If you would like to change or update any of the details on your registration (for example if you change your name or address), please do so via your online GAMSTOP consumer account or call the GAMSTOP Contact Centre to speak to them regarding any such changes. If you have changed your name, you will need to call the GAMSTOP Contact Centre. The GAMSTOP Contact Centre details are as follows: Telephone: 0800 138 6518 Email Address:
  • Affordability Checks
    From 30th August 2024, our licence conditions require us to conduct a light touch affordability check for safer gambling purposes on customers who reach or exceed a net deposit of £500 in a 30 day period. We conduct affordability checks using a regulated third party provider using your personal data. Please be advised that these affordability checks are mandatory for all remote online betting operators. Depending on the result on these checks, we may require further information from you, such as details of occupation and income, to assist us to assess whether you are gambling at levels that are affordable to you. You can find further information about safer gambling tools in our Safer Gambling Hub or alternatively, you can contact us on 0800 678 1888 and speak to one of operators.
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